
Mostrando las entradas de diciembre, 2020

The Inglish

 Hi, about this subject of the inglish and this matter in the U, I think it is very necessary because it helps very much for life to know the english language, because it is the universal language and it is very limiting not to know it for different aspects, for example in the jobs, for understand the texts in inglish for the U or to travel outside the country, among other things.  As for the use of blogs in this subject, I think it is a good method to improve the understanding of english, and also  it doesn't need so much time outside of the class, so I like it. Even so, I think I still need to improve my vocabulary and pronunciation of english, but I plan to work on that by trying to incorporate the english language more into my routine, such as watching series and movies in english, paying more attention to the meaning of songs in english, thinking about how I can say some things in english, read more texts in english, among other things. The truth is that outside of class I don

Future job

 Hi, about the topic of what I would like to work in the future, I study Architecture now and the truth is that I chose this career a blindly because I was not sure what career to study, but until now I have liked the architecture and I find it very interesting. That's why I would like to work in that in the future, but as I said in the video, maybe not necessarily designing buildings (I would like to do that but I would also like to work on other related things) and I would to do diferent things or jobs. But the truth is that I also don't deny the possibility of working in other things that don't necessarily it's related with my career, for example I love photography and it was my second choice of career, so I would like to do something related to that, and I would also like very much to learn how to do tattoos and work in that sometimes. About which aspects I would consider when choosing my job, I think it would clearly be to choose something that I like, because it m